How to clean 3 hard stains from the carpet with vinegar

How to get fruit punch out of carpet with vinegar?

Vinegar can easily remove the fruit punch stain from the carpet. Just do the following steps carefully and get punch fruit rid of your carpet with the help of vinegar:
  1. Remove the piece of fruit on the carpet with a paper towel.
  2. Take the help of a towel, press it to the carpet, and try to absorb the remaining fruit juice as much as possible.
  3. Mix a spoonful of vinegar with a glass of lukewarm water.
  4. Pour the prepared solution on the stain and wait 2 minutes.
  5. Start rubbing and cleaning the carpet with the help of a cloth or soft brush.
  6. Drain the carpet or try to clean the remaining water and vinegar solution in the carpet with the help of a wet towel.
  7. Allow the carpet to dry and then steam clean it.

How to get syrup out of carpet with vinegar?

Because of its acidity, vinegar can easily clean the syrup from the carpet. Just follow the steps below to get rid of the syrup and its stain on the carpet:
  1. The first thing you need to do is blot out any excess syrup from the carpet with a clean and dry cloth.
  2. Once you have done that, combine one part vinegar with two parts warm water and mix.
  3. Next, spray the solution you just made onto the carpet where the syrup is and let it sit there for around 5 minutes.
  4. Finally, take a spoonful of mild detergent or dish soap and combine it with around two cups of warm water in a bowl and mix until they are foamy.
  5. Dip a cleaning cloth or just a normal washcloth into the mixture and wring it out, so it is only damp on the surface.
  6. Apply the stain with a damp cloth and soapy water until it is completely clean from the carpet. You can also use a soft brush to rub and clean the stain from the carpet.
  7. After you have done that, blot out as much of the wetness as you can use a clean cloth.
  8. Let the carpet dry completely, and then vacuum it.

How to get food stains out of carpet with vinegar?

While it is a good idea to be careful and not make a stain on your carpet, it is not necessarily true that you cannot clean it up. Vinegar can be used as an effective way to remove food stains from your carpet.
Just follow all the following steps carefully to get rid of food stains on your carpet:
  1. Remove all spilled food on the carpet with a spoon.
  2. Blot the stain, so it doesn't get any worse.
  3. Mix half a tablespoon of vinegar with one cup of warm water.
  4. Pour the solution over the affected area.
  5. Blot the area with a clean towel to soak up excess moisture, and then let it air-dry.
  6. If the stain is still there, mix two parts vinegar with one part water and pour it into a spray bottle.
  7. Spray the mixture onto the stained area and scrub it with your fingers or a brush.
  8. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water, and then blot it dry with a towel.
  9. Vacuum and then use again.

source: carpetscleaning

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